Vinyl Roofing

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Vinyl Roofing

The vinyl roofing trend began in the 1960s. Manufacturers quickly realized that adding the roof to a vehicle did not cost them a lot of money, and buyers were willing to pay the premium for it. It first appeared on full-size GM models in 1962. Chrysler’s Dart followed, and Ford’s first Mustang featured a vinyl roof. By the middle of the decade, it was also commonplace on four-door vehicles. Check this out!


If you have ever seen an automobile with a vinyl roof, you’ve most likely heard of PVC vinyl roofing. It’s a very common and efficient type of roofing material. But what exactly is it? How does it differ from a car’s top? And why would you use this material? Let’s look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of PVC vinyl roofing. Listed below are some of the most common benefits of PVC vinyl roofing.

One major benefit of PVC vinyl roofing membranes is their solar reflective properties. According to NASA research, lighter roofs reduce summertime air temperature, while dark roofs increase it. The increase in air temperature triggers photochemical reactions that contribute to smog. PVC roofs diffuse heat and improve air quality in cities. And they’re also remarkably wind-resistant, which means they can withstand Category 3 hurricanes. This makes them a great choice for low-slope roofing projects.

Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO)

TPO is a popular choice for roofing because of its many benefits, including affordability. This material is made to be flexible and durable, and it is designed to be welded with hot air, so seams are nearly three times stronger than those on traditional rubber roofing. However, it is only as good as the welds connecting sheets. Therefore, careful installation is recommended to ensure that your TPO roof will last for years.

TPO is manufactured by mixing ethylene-propylene rubber and a reinforced polyester layer. The combination of these materials is durable and flexible, and a reinforced polyester center layer adds strength to the membrane. Unlike conventional roofing materials, TPO can roll and can resist tearing. In addition, TPO roofing systems do not contain any harmful chemicals that are often found in other types of roofing.


A vinyl roof is a versatile and attractive roofing material. This material can be installed at any time of the year. Heat-welded seams ensure product integrity. Vinyl roofs are lightweight and flexible, and require little maintenance. Unlike other roofing materials, they repel dirt, resist structural movement, and withstand wind uplift. Because of their resilience and fire resistance, they are also excellent choices for rooftop gardens. Nevertheless, it is important to follow manufacturer recommendations for proper installation and maintenance.

Vinyl is recyclable: More than a billion pounds of vinyl are recycled every year. This material can be heated and reformed into new roofing membranes. North American roof manufacturers recently announced plans to create infrastructure for a post-consumer vinyl recycling program. Europe’s roofs have been in service for much longer than their counterparts in the U.S., so the material has proven its environmental credentials. Despite the negative perceptions about vinyl, the material is widely used in buildings worldwide.

Reflective roofs

Reflective vinyl roofs are increasingly popular, with the demand for them soaring in the past five years. New codes in California and elsewhere are encouraging the use of reflective materials for roofing. They also reduce the impact on the environment, as they reduce urban heat islands. In addition to lowering utility costs, cool roofs reduce the carbon footprint of a building. Here are some of the benefits of reflective vinyl roofs. And what is more, they can save you money, too.

Reflective vinyl doesn’t glow in the dark. However, it does reflect light and is therefore ideal for solar panels and roofs. Reflective vinyl is not self-luminescent, so you can’t use it as a roof coating, though it is ideal for solar panels. In fact, it’s also used in road signs to make them legible after dark, without the aid of electric illumination. Its reflective properties are so good, however, that some types of reflective vinyl exhibit a color shift, which can be very unattractive in certain situations.


There are many factors to consider when deciding on the best roof for your home, and the cost of vinyl roofing is certainly no exception. The main benefits of this material are its durability and resiliency. It can withstand harsh weather and even dent, which may detract from the curb appeal of your home. Vinyl roofing is also more environmentally friendly than other types of roofing, making it an excellent choice for urban areas. Moreover, it requires very little maintenance.

The cost of installing a vinyl roof depends on several factors, including the size of the roof, material finish, surface area, labor rate, and special client requirements. For example, a 2900-square-foot asphalt roof can cost $9000, including the cost of stripping down to the underlying sheath. On the other hand, a new roof of the same area costs $4200. The cost of this roof includes the removal of the existing asphalt roof, all the ridge and valley metal, a felt sheet, fasteners, nails, and labor.  Next blog post!

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